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I am a RN, IBCLC currently doing outpatient lactation consults in a family physician clinic.

We are currently using 99211 (nurse visit) for both mom and baby, my supervising physician then closes my encounters (EPIC).

The 99211 code (~$48) is really meant for a quick weight check appointment, not a 2 hour lactation consult.

What billing codes are you all using?

Thank you for any help!
Roxanne :)

Roxanne Gollata, RN, IBCLC, RLC
Thedacare Physicians Outpatient Lactation Consultant
Encircle Health
2500 E Capitol Drive, Suite N2106
Appleton, WI 54911
Office: 920-358-1418
Appointments: 920-738-4600
Fax: 920-738-4792