WALC Policies
Revised 4/2012
B = Board Meeting G = General Meeting
1-19-12 B ILCA Conference Grant – Current grant policy for board members affirmed. General members will be eligible to apply for a grant every other year and will submit a written synopsis of three sessions to be posted on the WALC website by September 1 of the year of attendance.
1-19-12 B Free WALC Conference for Board Members – WALC will cover the conference fee for board members that do not get their conference fee paid by their employer.
1-19-12 B Policy Updates – Policies need to be updated whenever decisions are made that conflict with earlier decisions, or affect future decision-making. This will be the duty of the President.
1-19-12 B Mailing List Updates – Since CERP contact records need to be maintained for five years, the Membership Coordinator will erase non-functioning addresses after five years.
11-15-11 B,G Meeting Minutes – Minutes will be posted on the website only; no more paper copies will be mailed out. Procedure for minutes – Secretary sends minutes to President, President will make any necessary corrections and send to Webmaster. Goal is to have minutes on the website by two weeks after the meeting.
11-15-11 B Overnight Board Meetings – If it is necessary for the board to have an overnight meeting, WALC will pay for necessary meals and half the price of a hotel room.
9-15-11 B Checking Account – $5000 was deemed to be a minimum amount to keep in the checking account at all times. Scholarship and grant decisions will reflect how close our balance is to the buffer amount.
9-15-11 B Lactation Education and IBLCE Exam Scholarships – An amount of $500 was set as the standard amount for a scholarship award. This amount will be revisited as necessary.
9-15-11 B WHO Code Compliant Postings – Decision that WALC would not support non-WHO Code compliant events or educational opportunities. (This should be added to the by-laws when they are revised.) However, members are open to post under their own name on the member blog.
7-17-10 G Website Notifications – Settings were changed so that all members get email notifications of Home page and blog postings, unless they elect to opt out.
5-18-10 G New Appointed Board Position – Liaison between WALC and USLCA / IBLCE voted to be added as a member of the board.
5-18-10 B IBLCE Scholarship Deadline – moved to January 10 so decisions can be made at the January board meeting.
11-17-09 B Code Violators at Conference – Confirmed that since we are a chapter of USLCA, an affiliate of ILCA, we will follow the policies that have been set and not allow WHO Code violators at our conference.
9-11-09 B Meeting Schedule – Modification was suggested to previous schedule to hold the Business Meeting during lunch to increase the number of members that stary through the meeting.
5-19-09 B Mileage Reimbursement – Anyone driving to a committee meeting for WALC will be reimbursed at $.35/mile. (Was $.35/mile as of 6-19-01, then “current IRS rate” as of 11-13-07.)
5-19-09 B Scholarships for potential IBCLCs – (Requirements lowered) WALC will offer up to 5 scholarships each year for members taking the IBLCE exam for the first time or to attend an educational program to prepare for eventually taking the exam. Amount each year will be decided by the board based on the treasurer’s report. Requirements: 1) be a member of WALC for at least one year, 2) within the last two years have attended two WALC business meetings and/or WALC conferences. Receipts from the exam or educational program to prove attendance will be required.
5-19-09 B Speaker Fees – (Clarified) Payment is $100 per presentation (not per hour); if two speakers are sharing a presentation, they will share the payment. If there are many speakers, the amount of payment will be at the discretion of the board.”
1-16-09 B Other than ILCA Conferences / Trips – Sponsorship will generally not be funded. Any requests will be considered by the Board and should provide an educational benefit for all members.
1-16-09 B ILCA Conference Reimbursement / Grants – Application deadline was moved to April 15 with decisions to be made by April 30 to allow notification prior to the early-bird registration deadline; “year” for purposes of the grant was changed to May-March. A limit was put on the amount of money that will be given in case of a huge conference profit. The amount of the balance divided among all the grant recipients will not exceed the early bird registration fee for non-Board member recipients. The grant money will be distributed after all conditions have been met.
1-16-09 B Elections – If only one person is nominated for a position, members can choose to vote by email or mail as per their choice for receiving minutes. If there is more than one person on a ballot, voting will be by mail.
11-18-08 G Meeting Schedule – Preference was for 9:30-10 Arrival, 10-11:30 Program, 11:30-12 Introductions and Open Discussion Forum, 12-1 Lunch, 1-2 Business Meeting.
5-20-08 G ILCA Conference Scholarship – Changes to the wording to provide clarification were approved (policy attached).
5-20-08 B WALC Conference Scholarships – Up to five scholarships per year may be given at the discretion of the Conference Chair and the Registrar.
5-20-08 B Webmaster – Receives a paid WALC membership and paid registration to the WALC Conference as compensation.
5-20-08 B Partner Program Funds – Additional funds for the recipients of our Partner Program grants will be reviewed yearly (January).
1-18-08 B Cancellation Policy – In event of hazardous weather, meeting cancellation will be announced on the website under “upcoming events” by 6:30 a.m. the day of the meeting. Decision will be made by the president, in collaboration with other Board members.
1-18-08 B Meeting Schedule – Normally the Board will meet from 8:15 a.m. to 9:15, regular meeting to start at 9:30.
11-13-07 B Scholarship Committee Chair – Clarification that this is not a Board position but reports to the Board.
11-13-07 B Charge for CERPS – Clarification that we do not charge for CERPs. Everyone who attends the educational portion of a WALC meeting that has CERPS available will receive a certificate without charge.
11-13-07 B Elections – The ballot is currently sent out with the January minutes and is returned to our Membership Chair who tallies them. The results are announced at the May meeting and the new officers start at the May meeting.
11-13-07 B Committees no longer functioning – Clarification that there is no longer a committee on Outreach and Breastfeeding Promotion nor a committee on Professional Promotion.
11-13-07 B Mileage Reimbursement for Board Meetings – Board members may receive mileage to attend Board meetings, paid at the current IRS rate. This change was made since we were having trouble recruiting Board members.
11-13-07 B Committee Chairs added to the Board – Confirmed that Program Chair and Conference Chair were added to the Board by ballot around 2005.
5-15-07 B Resource Person – Confirmation that this position was eliminated. Due to lack of interest and use, WALC is no longer collecting resources to share.
9-15-06 B May business meeting – Business meeting added to eliminate the long gap from January to September, time to be divided as: three speakers, one hour each, 45 minute lunch break, 45 minute business meeting. Business meetings are now held at all WALC meetings, four times/year.
5-17-05 B Dues / Directory – Start of membership year changed to March. Directory will be printed in May.
1-16-04 B ILCA Conference Reimbursement – Requirements to apply for an ILCA scholarship changed to: “2 business meetings + WALC conference attendance – or – 3 business meetings attended – or – at the Board of Officers discretion.”
1-19-03 B Board meetings – Planned prior to regularly scheduled meetings.
9-20-02 B Representing WALC – WALC will pay for one night’s stay for WALC members who are representing the organization at conferences.
1-19-02 G Dues – increased from $15 to $20.
7-30-02 B Stipend for representing WALC at professional meetings – $50 for ½ day and $100 for a full day. (Intent is to become more visible in the medical community.)
9-21-01 G WALC Conference Workers – Members of the conference committee get free conference registration, ½ the room fee for an overnight stay, and a year’s free WALC membership
6-19-01 B Officer Terms – President limited to 2 consecutive terms of 2 years. Treasurer and secretary may remain without limit but need to be re-elected every 2 years. This is in conflict with the by-laws and needs to be fixed.
6-19-01 B ILCA Conference Reimbursement – Acting president to receive full conference fee, the Board will receive ½ the conference fee, other members will participate in the division of the money remaining. Reported at general meeting 9-21-01. Report attached.
1-21-00 B By-Laws Change – Voted on and approved. “All officers shall serve two-year terms. However, a person may serve any number of terms so long as no more than two (2) terms are served consecutively. President-elect will be elected one (1) year before the president’s term(s) are completed and will assume the office of President at the end of that year. The out-going President will act as Past President.”
9-16-99 B Committee chairs and members must be WALC members
Standing rules regarding ILCA Conference Grant
- 50% of profit from WALC Conferences will be earmarked for reimbursement of members attending the next ILCA Conference. The board has the authority to earmark a different amount in the event of financial difficulty or overage on the part of WALC.
- WALC will cover the registration fee for the President. In the event the president is unable to attend, the President-elect will have full registration covered. The remaining Board members will receive half their registration costs. Board members will be eligible as soon as they take office, and for the summer after their term ends.
- Any remaining funds earmarked for Conference scholarships will be divided among the Board and other members attending. General members are eligible every other year.
- To be eligible, the person must have been a member of both ILCA and WALC for at least one (1) year prior to the ILCA Conference for which (s)he is being reimbursed. Recipients must also have attended 2 business meeting + the WALC conference or 3 business meetings in the past year, or at the Board of Officers discretion.
- Members and officers receiving reimbursement are required to submit written reports on a minimum of three conference sessions and submit this to the WALC president by September 1 for posting on the website.
- The Board will approve the applications. Checks will be sent out when all obligations have been fulfilled.
Originally submitted by the Scholarship Committee –
Winnie Mading, IBCLC
Carol Cox, IBCLC
Donna Bisbee, IBCLC
Note: We felt that to open it up to conferences other than ILCA would be a big “can of worms.” It would need too many guidelines as to which conferences would be covered, etc.
Approved 6/01, revisions by the Board 11/01, 1/04, 1/09, and 1/12; and by vote of the membership 5/08.