I had a request from a fellow IBCLC whose daughter is expecting twins later this year. Does anyone know of a current support group for twins or multiples in the Valley?
I had a request from a fellow IBCLC whose daughter is expecting twins later this year. Does anyone know of a current support group for twins or multiples in the Valley?
This entry was posted on August 12, 2013, 9:58 am and is filed under Member Blog.
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#1 by AAltshuler on August 14, 2013 - 9:04 pm
I don’t know of a Mothers of Twins Club in the Appleton area, but our WALC president, Brook, has recent experience nursing twins and is in Green Bay.
There are many good resources on line that you can share with this expectant mother. Here are a few:
La Leche League. Many mothers successfully breastfeed their multiples. La Leche League is a mother-to-mother breastfeeding support group. Children are welcome at all meetings. Each group has a library of helpful breastfeeding and parenting books that may be borrowed, as well as informational pamphlets, books, baby slings, and other products available for purchase.
La Leche League International’s home page on the World Wide Web is: http://www.lalecheleague.org
There are groups in the Appleton area.
For information specifically about breastfeeding multiples:
A very helpful book to read on caring for multiples is “Mothering Multiples: Breastfeeding and Caring for Twins or More!!!” by Karen Kerkhoff Gromada. Revised edition, 2007. It is available through the public library, or order through La Leche League, amazon.com or other on line web site, or through any book store.
Breastfeeding and Attachment Parenting Twins
Web site: http://breastfeedingtwins.tripod.com/MainPages/
Yahoo group: Consider joining this Yahoo discussion group on attachment parenting of multiples at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/apmultiples/
Many mothers find this group very supportive.
Video about birth from mothers in this group: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E-wULAaD50
Skin-to-Skin Kangaroo Care with Twins photo:
Best for Babes website article:
“Booby Traps Series: Booby Traps for moms of twins (or more), Part 1”, by Karen Gromada:
Nursing Two Babies Together:
5 minute video of one mother explaining how she nurses her 4 month old twins together
National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc. NOMOTC, P.O. Box 700860, Plymouth, MI 48170-0955 National network of mothers of twins clubs sharing information, concerns and advice. Email: Info@NOMOTC.ORG Website: http://www.nomotc.org
Karen Kerkhoff Gromada Website for Parents of Multiple Birth Children.
Marvelous Multiples. Information and resources for multiples pregnancy and birth. P.O. Box 381164, Birmingham, AL 35238 (205)437-3575 Fax (205)437-3574
Email: marvmult@aol.com Website: http://www.marvelousmultiples.com/
Twin Services Consulting. P.O. Box 10066, Berkeley, CA 94709
Email: twinservices@juno.com Website information: http://twinservices.org
Outgrowth of the former Twin Services, which closed in 2000. Resources, articles and help for parents and professionals dealing with multiples in pregnancy, infancy, and later. Click on “Reading Room” to access helpful, brief handouts on topics such as “Preventing Premature Multiple Births,” “Staying Sane Under Twin Stress,” “Twin Fathers Need Help, Too,” and “Encouraging Individuality in Twins.”
Twins: The Magazine for Parents of Multiples. Published six times a year. Articles include columns on pregnancy and issues facing multiples of all age groups. For a free trial issue or to order a subscription phone 1-888-558-9467. Website: http://www.twinsmagazine.com
Twin Stuff. A website maintained by twin brothers with information and resources for/about twins.
Website: http://www.twinstuff.com/
Anne Altshuler, RN, MS, IBCLC, La Leche League Leader of the Madison Multiples group for mothers nursing twins and triplets
#2 by Allison Laverty Montag on August 15, 2013 - 2:03 pm
What a wonderful resource! Anne, thank you so much for putting this together. I’m saving it!