The Tongue-Tie Workshop is coming up Nov 6th in Appleton and Nov 8th in Milwaukee at the Hilton Garden Inn. This is the same hotel where the LLL Conference is located on the 7th. Would you be able to help us recruit for the Milwaukee date? We have a lot of BFAN members in the Fox Valley recruiting and we are having difficulty finding enough mothers and babies for Milwaukee.
Babies do not need to be breastfed or be tongue-tied. They also do not need to have difficulties feeding. Mothers will receive a $40 gift card (supported by a grant from WALC. Thank you!) in appreciation for their time.
Anyone interested can email Your help is greatly appreciated! Please pass this info on to anyone you think can help us recuit for either Appleton or Milwaukee. 🙂
Thank you,
Allison Laverty Montag
#1 by BEddy on October 17, 2014 - 10:20 am
Hello Allison,
I have several mums in my practice who are interested in participating with their babies for the Milwaukee Nov 8th Tongue Tie Workshop. Mums are inquiring what time they should arrive, how long they will be required to stay as well as what can be expected with their babies. The babies range from (currently) 27 days to 8 months. Is there an age limit? I’ve given each mum the email address but all are collectively hesitant to correspond without knowing the particulars.
Thank you,
Beth M. Eddy
#2 by Allison Laverty Montag on October 17, 2014 - 10:40 am
Thank you for the questions! I have a handout I could email you which you could forward to anyone interested.
Babies need to be born after August 1st. They lose some of the reflexes and instinctive responses to the digital assessment after 3 months.
Sessions are either 12:30p-2:15p OR 2:15p-4:00p. This includes arriving to register. There will be one dyad needed at 11:15 for a demonstration assessment.
Mothers stay with their babies at all times. We will respect the baby’s space and watch for signs of aversion – there is no forcing of an assessment. There will be two workshop attendees sitting with the dyad. They will have clean hands and will use gloved hands to assessment the function and appearance of the baby’s tongue. Babies will be able to feed at will and take breaks as needed. Mothers will have the opportunity to sign a release for us to video the assessment for review as part of the workshop. These videos will not be used for anything other than viewing as part of the workshop unless approval is given (we do not anticipate requesting further use.) Videotaping is not required.
Thank you for any assistance recruiting! Feel free to ask any more questions 🙂