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The Tongue-Tie Workshop is coming up Nov 6th in Appleton and Nov 8th in Milwaukee at the Hilton Garden Inn. This is the same hotel where the LLL Conference is located on the 7th. Would you be able to help us recruit for the Milwaukee date? We have a lot of BFAN members in the Fox Valley recruiting and we are having difficulty finding enough mothers and babies for Milwaukee.

Babies do not need to be breastfed or be tongue-tied. They also do not need to have difficulties feeding. Mothers will receive a $40 gift card (supported by a grant from WALC. Thank you!) in appreciation for their time.

Anyone interested can email Your help is greatly appreciated! Please pass this info on to anyone you think can help us recuit for either Appleton or Milwaukee. 🙂

Thank you,
Allison Laverty Montag