On January 20, 2016, Rep. Lisa Subeck introduced LRB 3285 for the purpose of strengthening current federal law (Break Time for Nursing Mothers) by closing the gap between wage and salaried employees and ensuring that women who need unpaid break time to breastfeed or express their milk remain eligible for employer-sponsored health insurance. LRB 3285 also has a strong enforcement provision not available under federal law.
Wording of LRB 3285: http://legis.wisconsin.gov/eupdates/asm78/15-3285_1.pdf
Representative Lisa Subeck’s press release: http://legis.wisconsin.gov/…/representative-subeck-introdu…/
This group will function as a way for breastfeeding advocates across Wisconsin to disseminate updates and information about this bill, including public committee hearings, upcoming votes, and ways to educate the public about this bill.
Our legislators need to know that working women are struggling to provide their babies with breast milk. There are many barriers in place that prevents them from doing so. They need to hear our stories. To find email and phone number information for constituent’s legislators, enter your address (street, city, zip) in the top right box.http://maps.legis.wisconsin.gov/
Calling or emailing only takes a few minutes!
This bill has bipartisan support BUT it will not pass a vote unless each and every one of Wisconsin’s legislators hear from their constituents (that’s you!) that this bill matters to families in Wisconsin.
Please find the WI Breastfeeding Bill Advocates page and follow for updates. A lobby day is planned for Friday (Jan 29) in Madison.