Have you read the June USLCA newsletter? If not, check it out! There is an article about our WALC trip to Uganda. I have received correspondence from people around the country interested in helping with our trip! It is so exciting to see the excitement and support of what WE are doing for Josephine and the people of Uganda.
So many organization have supported us, Childbirth Graphics, Ameda, Dr. Morton, even just RN’s in the community.
To check out the newsletter read here…http://www.ilca.org/files/eNews_June_2013.pdf
To follow my trip, you can read my blog at www.nurturingnursing.com/blog
Facebook at: NurturingNursing or Twitter at Nuture_Nurse
Thank you all for your support! Mark your calendars for September 20 when I will be presenting the trip to WALC at our September meeting in Milwaukee!
Angela Lang, RN, IBCLC