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Dear All,

Early Bird Registration will end on April 20th for The Milk Mob Art and Science of Breastfeeding Conference, which will be held Friday June 1st at the Promega Auditorium in Madison, Wisconsin!

We have an intriguing line-up of lecturers, including Bobby Nourani MD who will speak on Osteopathic Treatment for Pregnant Mothers and Newborn Infants.

Christina Wichman MD will be speaking on the Periscope Project. This covers the assessment and management of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

Jenny Thomas MD will present on the Sensory Development of the Newborn: Transitions Which Help Breastfeeding.

We will also have Andrew Putney MD speaking on Opioid Abuse in the Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mother.

Amy Anderson DC will speak on why to consider Chiropractic and Craniosacral Care for Infants.

It’s a home-grown conference, showcasing Wisconsin experts in the field from the bench to the dyad!

Come join us! The last day for sign- up is May 25, 2018.

Anne Eglash MD, IBCLC, FABM
President, The Milk Mob