I think I may have found someone closer than Chicago to refer (suggest) for posterior ties!!!
His name is Dr. Walczak and office is located in Stevens Point: http://drwalczak.com/index.html
I spoke on the phone with him today, very nice and states he has been doing the frenotomies (upper lip and lingual) for a while now via laser. One thing concerning to me…he wasn’t familiar with Dr. Kotlow, but wanted me to forward Dr. Kotlow’s information to him (which I did).
I plan on meeting with him sometime this summer (we camp around Waupaca) and he will be sending me brochures/cards.
Does anyone have any experience with him or know of anyone else in WI who does the posterior lingual and upper lip frenotomies via laser?
Roxanne 🙂
Roxanne Gollata, RN, IBCLC, RLC
Thedacare Physicians Outpatient Lactation Consultant
Encircle Health
2500 E Capitol Drive, Suite N2106
Appleton, WI 54911
Office: 920-358-1418
Appointments: 920-738-4600
Fax: 920-738-4792
#1 by Allison Laverty Montag on April 10, 2013 - 10:23 am
Dr. Rincon at Family Health/La Clinca has agreed to do tongue ties. He has done them in the past and is open to more training. Due to time constraints, I think the DVD by Dr. Jain is the best bet. I plan to speak to him about posterior tongue and labial ties next week.
Baby steps….we’re getting there!
Allison Laverty Montag BA, IBCLC, RLC
Winnebago County and Family Health/La Clinica WIC
#2 by RGollata on April 10, 2013 - 3:28 pm
Does Dr. Rincon do the frenotomies via laser?
Dr. Newton and Dr. Rohloff at our clinic (Thedacare Family Physicians North at Encircle Health in Appleton) will do anterior lingual ties via scissors during my consults, but not the very posterior lingual or labial ties.
They did a few labial frenotomies during my consults but the labial frenulum is more vascular and one bled a little more than we were all comfortable with, so they decided to refer the labial ties out….
#3 by Sandy Testin on April 10, 2013 - 4:50 pm
Thanks for doing the research on this – will be great to have someone using laser with the more complicated cases. Let us know what you find out.
#4 by RGollata on May 8, 2013 - 10:03 am
I spoke with Dr. Steve Hein in Green Bay and he plans on offering laser frenotomies.
He was certified in laser dentistry last year and spoke with Dr. Margolis recently at a conference. He has done frenotomies on teens and adults but admits he hasn’t on infants yet but is very eager to learn. He called Dr. Margolis after we talked and is willing to train him! He will call me when ready to see babies 🙂
Roxanne 🙂