WALC is willing to facilitate group renewal for USLCA this year. Kathie Russell (WALC Treasurer) will collect checks at the November WALC meeting on November 17th or you can mail it to her. ILCA is not offering group registration discounts this year. Make checks out to WALC. If you have questions, Kathie’s contact info is in the member directory. Checks must be received by December 1st.
#1 by Allison Laverty Montag on November 21, 2015 - 7:45 am
We are coming up on the deadline to renew/join USLCA for 2016. For new memberships a form is available here http://uslca.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/application.pdf . Renewals do not require a form. Please mail your form (if necessary) and $69 check made out to WALC to Kathie Russell. Her contact info is in the member directory. Checks must be received by December 1st.
#2 by AAltshuler on November 21, 2015 - 4:25 pm
And what about ILCA renewal? Can we send that as well?
#3 by Allison Laverty Montag on November 22, 2015 - 11:28 am
ILCA is not offering group memberships this year. If it changes in the future we would definitely consider doing it.