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Each year that there are adequate funds in the treasury, the WALC will consider grants to individuals or organizations to fund projects consistent with the purposes of WALC. WALC’s statement of purpose can be found on the website, but especially relevant tenets are:

• To support and encourage the development of high standards of effective and ethical practice in the field of infant feeding among lactation consultants and other health care workers.
• To create universal awareness of the importance of human milk and breastfeeding and the hazards of artificial feeding.
• To cooperate with other Wisconsin organizations that have aims and objectives (in whole or in part) similar to those of WALC.

The WALC board will approve the applications and may elect to fully or partially fund a request.

The Project Grant Application can be found under forms on our website. Please submit applications to Allison – by May 1, 2019. Please contact Allison with any questions.