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Continuing Education Webinar 2020 presents Kathleen Kendall-Tackett, PhD, IBCLC, FAPA

Thursday, November 5, 9:00 AM – Friday, November 6, 4:00 PM, CST, earn 12 CERPS  

A two day online conference – live webinar sessions as well as recording to be viewed once.

Topics will include:

  1. Breastfeeding Makes all the Difference
  2. The Impact of Violence in the Perinatal Period
  3. A New Paradigm in Depression in New Mothers
  4. Nighttime Breastfeeding and PPD/A
  5. Birth Trauma
  6. Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
  7. What We Can Learn from Fed is Best
  8. Should this Study Change my Practice

For information, registration options, cost and “link to register via Eventbrite,” go to Meetings/Next Meeting