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Participants Needed for a Focus Group at WALC on Thursday Night 6pm-7pm
Hi All! I am the president of a new non-profit organization called the Milk Mob. The goals of the Milk Mob are to 1) develop and share teaching tools for breastfeeding specialists, with the ultimate goal of boosting breastfeeding knowledge among health professionals around us, and 2) provide an educational website for health professionals looking for breastfeeding education.
Currently the Milk Mob’s key focus is on a curriculum called the Office Nurse Breastfeeding Champion (ONBC). This is a 16 hour curriculum that trains clinical staff (nurses, MAs) who care for nursing mothers and babies in pediatric, family medicine and OB/Gyn offices. It was created to not only teach optimal telephone triage for outpatient nurses, but also to give office staff the skills to perform primary-care breastfeeding management such as pre/post-feed weights, breast pump instruction, etc. Think of certified Office Nurse Breastfeeding Champions as office staff who you, as lactation consultants, can partner with to provide optimal breastfeeding support for dyads you care for, and dyads you worry about!

Because the Milk Mob is new, and I’m just getting my feet wet (perhaps swimming upstream?!), I am looking for 25 RN, IBCLCs to participate in a focus group. I will ask participants for their ideas and feedback to help the Milk Mob with its strategic plan. In addition, we will discuss how the Milk Mob can disseminate the ONBC curriculum to the medical community. I’ll show off a cool animation from the Milk Mob, which will eventually be available to all Milk Mob members. I’ll also demo an innovative way to get audience response during a presentation!
Why am I asking for your participation? Because the Milk Mob model plans to train RN Lactation Consultants to teach the Office Nurse Breastfeeding Champion Program to office nurses in their communities (and beyond if they wish to travel!). And yes, we want to pay you as trainers, since executing a 16 hour curriculum is a true commitment!

I am looking for 25 Registered Nurses who are also Lactation Consultants, and who have experience with outpatient lactation management (not just hospital management).
We plan to hold this on Thursday night March 6th, 2014 at the WALC conference, from 6-7 pm. This is a free event, and we will provide heavy appetizers, enough for a meal, for all who participate.
Thank you WALC for your generosity in co-sponsoring this event!!
If you’d like to sign up, please email me privately at
Thanks and see you at the WALC Conference !!

Anne Eglash MD, IBCLC, FABM